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Still thinking about deposits?

Deposit rates

  • When calculating interest, an interest calculation base of A/360 is used and the interest is paid for the actual number of days.
  • Interest rates are variable and will be quoted daily.
  • The state guarantees that 100% of the deposit is compensated, but no more than 100 000 euros per depositor in any one bank.

Term Deposit for business customer

Legal persons can open term deposits  in EUR, USD and GBP.

In the range of 500-499,999 euros, the interest rate offered to the business customer is the same as the maximum interest rate in the table. In the case of a fixed-term deposit of more than 500,000 euros (or the equivalent in another currency), ask SEB customer support at 665 5100 for more information.

Interest rates are informative. The interest rates applicable at the time of signing the deposit agreement may differ from the product here.

If term deposit has an automatic extension, the interest rate valid at the beginning of the extension day is applied for the new period. If the deposit interest rate should change during the agreement extension day, it will not be applied.

Open a deposit as a business customer Open a deposit as a private customer

Current interest rates for term deposits for business customers

Term deposit EUR
Period of time 500 - 100 000
7 days 0,00%
14 days 0,00%
21 days 0,00%
1 month 2,25%
2 months 2,25%
3 months 2,30%
4 months 2,30%
5 months 2,30%
6 months 2,25%
7 months 2,25%
8 months 2,25%
9 months 2,25%
10 months 2,25%
11 months 2,25%
1 year 2,05%
2 years 2,00%
3 years 1,75%

Term deposit USD
Period of time 500 - 100 000
7 days 0,00%
14 days 0,00%
21 days 0,00%
1 month 1,00%
2 months 1,00%
3 months 1,50%
4 months 1,50%
5 months 1,50%
6 months 1,75%
7 months 1,75%
8 months 1,75%
9 months 2,00%
10 months 2,00%
11 months 2,00%
1 year 3,00%
2 years 3,00%
3 years 3,00%

Term deposit GBP
Period of time 500 - 100 000
1 month 0,00%
2 months 0,00%
3 months 0,00%
4 months 0,00%
5 months 0,00%
6 months 0,01%
7 months 0,01%
8 months 0,01%
9 months 0,01%
10 months 0,01%
11 months 0,01%
1 year 0,05%
2 years 0,05%
3 years 0,05%

Savings Deposit

Annual interest of Savings Deposit EUR 1.8%

Interest rate of savings deposit valid since 28.07.2023

Overnight interest

An overnight deposit can be opened in EUR and USD.

To conclude an overnight interest agreement, please register for a video meeting, visit an SEB branch, or contact your client executive.

Valid interest rates of overnight interest agreement

Deposit amount level (EUR) Interest rate
50 000 0,25%
250 000 0,35%
500 000 0,40%
1 000 000 0,55%
2 000 000 0,75%

Deposit amount level (USD) Interest rate
100 000 0,20%
1 000 000 0,70%
2 500 000 0,70%
5 000 000 1,00%

Overnight deposit 

From 4.09.2023 , no overnight deposit contracts will be concluded.

Valid interest rates of overnight interest agreement

Deposit amount level (EUR) Interest rate
50 000 0,25%
250 000 0,35%
500 000 0,40%
1 000 000 0,55%
2 000 000 0,75%

Deposit amount level (USD) Interest rate
100 000 0,20%
1 000 000 0,70%
2 500 000 0,70%
5 000 000 1,00%

Base rates

Published on 24.03.2025

1-month EURIBOR® 2,3400
3-month EURIBOR® 2,3670
6-month EURIBOR® 2,3990
12-month EURIBOR® 2,3660
€STR 2,4170
SOFR USD 4,3000
Bank's base interest 2,6410
Base rates historical data

Euribor (benchmark) are published by the European Money Markets Institute (EMMI).
The base interest rate of the bank is set and published by AS SEB Pank.
The set base interest rate may decrease or increase over time. These changes affect the contractual interest rate. For example, if the new base interest rate has increased compared to the previous base interest rate which was in force on the day the agreement was concluded, the interest payments will also increase.

The bank’s base interest (BBI) will change starting from November

The rapid rise in interest rates in financial markets will also lead to a rise in the bank’s base interest (BBI) in October. Clients whose loans are contractually linked to the BBI will receive a contractual notification stating the new BBI level and the date from which the rate will apply. You can check whether your loan is linked to the BBI either via the Internet Bank or your loan agreement.

The BBI is based on the level of interest rates in financial markets. Currently, the BBI is only 0.0%, while Euribor rates have now already reached 1–2%. The bank plans to review the BBI in the future and, if necessary, to adjust it on a monthly basis if changes in interest rates in financial markets give reason to do so.