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Request for audit information

A request for audit information is a certificate that is issued to the auditor for the purpose of auditing the annual accounts of a company. A request for audit information includes information about all agreements concluded between the client and the SEB Group (incl. with AS SEB Pank, AS SEB Liising, and AS Rentacar) as at the desired date.


How to request for audit information

A request for audit information can be submitted to the bank by a member of the management board or a signatory:
  1. Via SEB Internet Bank for Business: Additional services / Settings → Request for audit information.

  2. Via properly signed request form at a bank branch (see the sample form for the request of audit information).

How the information will be issued

The response to the request for audit information will be sent to your Internet Bank for Business as soon as possible, however no later than within 10 days.

  • The response will not be automatically forwarded to the auditor
  • If the client has not concluded an internet bank agreement with the bank, an encrypted and digitally signed response will be issued to the e-mail address of the company
  • The name, personal identification code, and e-mail address of the recipient are required to send the response via e-mail.
  • The encrypted response can be decrypted only by a specific person with an ID-card
1. Copying and transference of bank documents (1) EUR 3 / per document
2. Archive inquiry for document (1,2) EUR 30 / per document
3. Issuing and transference of certificates, confirmations (1)
on existence of an account and on the balance (balance confirmation) EUR 9
certificate to Commercial register (on share capital) EUR 9
certificate of income tax on interest (3) EUR 9
certificate on existence/lack of obligations EUR 9
transaction confirmation (stamp on the payment order) EUR 3
letter of recommendation for another bank (4) EUR 9
certificate of the occurrence of the card transaction EUR 9
4. Responses to inquiries
to auditors EUR 25, to groups of companies EUR 25 per member
contract and balance inquiry on a business client (for liquidator) EUR 30
certificates and responses to inquiries, which need special solutions (5) EUR 30 per hour, min. EUR 30
5. A notice of debt
reminder of debt free of charge
debt claim letter EUR 5
6. Transfer of documents and bank accessories (bankcard, PIN-calculator, etc.) with courier service as per price list of the respective courier company established to SEB
7. Sending documents and bank accessories (PIN-calculator) by registered mail
in Estonia EUR 5
outside Estonia EUR 10
8. Pension Plan Agreement  
contract fee free of charge
annual fee free of charge
9. Fee for the establishment of account pledge EUR 180
10. Statement of Fees in SEB internet bank for private client and at a bank office (6) free of charge
11. Identification of the customer´s representative or account user via SEB bank in Latvia or Lithuania (7) EUR 150 (8)
12. International customers site access fee (9) upon agreement (8)

(1) A forwarding fee shall be added to the price:
by mail in Estonia – EUR 2;
by mail outside Estonia – EUR 5;
(2) Price already contains fee of copy making from document
(3) Commission fee applies to certificates issued at a bank office. A certificate issued automatically in the internet bank is free for the client (for enclosing electronically to income tax return).
(4) The bank is entitled not to issue a recommendation.
(5) Preparing other responses and certificates for inquiries, not separately indicated in the price list. The bank is entitled to refuse to accept the orders for preparing certificates or other documents that need a special solution.
(6) A document for private clients that contains information on the service charges paid for the typical payment services relating to the current account and card account, the interest earned in the selected period and the interest calculated for the use of the overdraft limit. Possible periods are pervious calendar year and current year.
(7) A fee is charged for the identification of each person.
(8) VAT as per Value Added Tax Act will be added to the price.
(9) Fee will be applied to a business customer who is or whose mother company is SEB AB’s client.