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Picture Card


A bankcard with corporate insignia

A bankcard with corporate insignia differs from personal cards of the employees and acts as the company’s ‘visiting card’.

  • Distinctive and presentable
  • As debit and credit card
  • Reliable in Estonia and abroad
  • To make contactless payments on amount up to 150 euros
  • You can order debit as well as credit cards with special design.

User and credit limit

Condition Picture debit card Picture credit card
User limit of the card
Daily cash withdrawal limit up to 3,500 euros, daily payment limit up to 6,500 euros;

Adding a monthly limit is optional

0–6,500 euros per calendar month
Credit limit*
N/A Minimum 300 euros per calendar month
Changing user limit
Takes effect immediately Takes effect immediately
Changing credit limit
N/A Upon application

* The credit limit of the card depends on the turnover and risk class of the company.

Repayment of credit


  • The bank prepares a statement as at the last day of the month about the purchases and cash withdrawals conducted during that month and sends you the statement at the beginning of the following month.
  • You can choose the day of repayment (5th – 15th date). On the day of repayment, the funds used with the credit cards during the previous month shall be repaid in full.
  • If the account linked to the card does not have the necessary funds on the day of repayment, interest on arrears shall be added to the deficit sum.
  • Interest is not calculated for the credit sum used during the calendar month until the repayment day of the following month. At the beginning of every month, a new credit limit is made available in full.
  • You can use the available funds on the current account linked to the card.
  • You can transfer the credit limit to your current account.



  • You can order the picture card from the Internet Bank for Business or at an SEB branch
  • After submitting the application, a business client executive will contact you within a few days. At the bank office, the card may be ordered by a signatory.
  • The card is issued at the SEB branch based on the identity document of the card user. The card is received within four banking days in Tallinn and ten banking days outside of Tallinn.
  • You can set the monthly and daily limits and transactions, which may be carried out with the card, in the Internet Bank.
  • When ordering the card by post, activate the card after receiving it either in the Internet Bank for Business. If you order the card by post, you will be charged a fee in accordance with the price list.
  • The card is valid for three years, whereupon we shall prepare you a new card.

To order a picture card, upload your favourite picture in the Internet Bank or on the homepage and soon you will have a unique bankcard in your hands.

Suitable picture

  • The image files may be either in JPEG, GIF, BMP or PNG format, with maximum file size 10MB and size of the image at least 1036x664 pixels.
  • Images, violating protection of trade marks or copyright may not be used on the card
  • The design may not contain inappropriate motifs, state symbols, and inappropriate nakedness or be contrary to good morals and practice. The design may not contain tobacco products, alcohol, drugs, weapons, banknotes, coins, political or religious statements or symbols
  • The design may not contain images of famous people (musicians, athletes, public figures, etc)

Ordinary cards

1. Mastercard debit card
activating the card (incl. replacement, prolonged card) at a bank office or through the customer support (1) EUR 5
activating the card (incl. replacement, prolonged card) in the internet bank, the mobile app, or at an ATM (2) free of charge
monthly fee EUR 1
2. Mastercard Business debit card
activating the card (incl. prolonged card) at a bank office or through the customer support (1) EUR 5
activating the card (incl. prolonged card) in the internet bank, the mobile app, or at an ATM free of charge
issuance of a replacement card EUR 3
monthly fee EUR 2
3. Mastercard Gold debit card
activating the card (incl. replacement, prolonged card) at a bank office or through the customer support (1) EUR 5
activating the card (incl. replacement, prolonged card) in the internet bank, the mobile app, or at an ATM (2) free of charge
monthly fee EUR 1.50
4. Picture card debit card for private individual
activating the card (incl. replacement, prolonged card) at a bank office or through the customer support (1) EUR 5
activating the card (incl. replacement, prolonged card) in the internet bank, the mobile app, or at an ATM (2) free of charge
monthly fee EUR 1
5. Picture card debit card for legal entity (3)
activating the card (incl. prolonged card) at a bank office or through the customer support (1) EUR 5
activating the card (incl. prolonged card) in the internet bank, the mobile app, or at an ATM EUR 3.50
issuance of a replacement card EUR 5
monthly fee EUR 2

ISIC and ITIC cards

1. ISIC Tudeng (Student)
issue, replacement, prolongation EUR 7.50
monthly fee EUR 1
2. ISIC Õpilane (Scholar)
issue, replacement, prolongation
- until the age of 20 free of charge
- from the age of 20 EUR 7.50
monthly fee EUR 1
3. ITIC Õpetaja (Teacher)
issue, replacement, prolongation EUR 7.50
monthly fee EUR 1

Other cards

issue EUR 3

(1)    A card ordered to a bank office always activated by an employee of the bank office when the card is issued.
(2)     Replacement cards cannot be activated in ATMs.
(3)    It is not possible to order new cards starting from 16.04.2024.

General transaction and service fees

1. Payment at a service enterprise (fee for transaction in foreign currency will be added) free of charge
with a temporary-card transaction is not allowed
2. Cash deposit in SEB Estonia ATM’s (1)
up to EUR 4000 in a calendar month per client (holder of account(s)) with debit and/or credit card free of charge
if the amount exceeds EUR 4000 in a calendar month per client (holder of account(s)) with debit and/or credit card 0,3 % of the deposited amount
3. Cash withdrawal in SEB Estonia, SEB Lithuania, SEB Latvia ATMs (2)
 legal entity EUR 0.19 + 0,3% of the withdrawn amount
 private individual
- up to EUR 600 in a calendar month per client (holder of account(s)) free of charge
- if the amount exceeds EUR 600 in a calendar month per client (holder of account(s)) 0,3% of the withdrawn amount
4. Cash withdrawal in Estonia from other banks ATMs
legal entity EUR 2 + 2,5% of the withdrawn amount
private individual EUR 1 + 2,5% of the withdrawn amount
with a temporary-card transaction is not allowed
5. Cash withdrawal abroad (fee for transaction in foreign currency will be added)
legal entity EUR 2 + 2,5% of the withdrawn amount
private individual EUR 1 + 2,5% of the withdrawn amount
with a temporary-card transaction is not allowed
6. Cash withdrawal at a service enterprise (fee as per price list of the enterprise to be added) free of charge
7. Fee for transaction in foreign currency (3)
transaction original currency is other (excl. EUR) 1,5% of the transaction amount
8. Balance inquiry (balance, last transactions)
from SEB Estonia ATM´s free of charge
from other bank’s ATM EUR 0.40 / per inquiry
9. Fee for change in debit card limit
at a bank office EUR 2.50
internet-bank free of charge
10. Preparation of express bank cards EUR 40
11. Debt claim letter of debit card by post EUR 1.28
12. Contractual penalty for use of blocked card, breach of limit or amounts not paid in time EUR 65
13. Overdraft penalty 0,2% per day
14. Duplicate of POS receipt
domestic transaction EUR 4
cross-border transaction EUR 8
15. Unjustified demand for refund
domestic transaction EUR 12
cross-border transaction EUR 16
16. Sending a card by
mail in Estonia free of charge
registered mail in Estonia EUR 5
mail outside Estonia EUR 10
parcel machine in Estonia (4) EUR 3.20

(1) Maximum cash deposit limit per private person (holder of account(s)) in a month EUR 10,000, per business customer (holder of account(s)) EUR 15,000 a month.
(2) The transaction is not permitted with a temporary card in SEB Latvia and SEB Lithuania ATMs.
(3) All claims for Card Operations executed in a foreign currency are received by the Bank from international card organisations (Mastercard), converted into euros according to their determined exchange rates.
(4) Sending the card to parcel machine in Estonia is free of charge for the owners of Youth Plan.