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Overnight deposit


An overnight deposit is a bank deposit with the shortest term lasting from one calendar day to the next. It is an excellent opportunity to earn a higher interest on your liquid assets compared to the interest rate of a settlement account. It is meant for customers who have enough money on their settlement account to cover the minimum required deposit amount. 

From 4.09.2023 , no overnight deposit contracts will be concluded.


Overnight deposit interest rates

The interest rates of overnight deposit are based on the interest rates of the interbank money market. Interest rate is expressed in percentages for the accounting year (360 days) and calculated based on the actual number of days. Customers can see the applicable interest rate on the account statement. 
If, at end of the calendar day, the amount does not exceed the minimum deposit amount indicated in the table, we will calculate the interest of that day based on the settlement account interest rate applicable for the respective currency. 
We transfer the interest of the overnight deposit to the settlement account of the customer on the morning of the following business day. Interest is paid if the accrued interest exceeds the minimum amount assigned to that currency. 

Minimum amounts by currencies: 
Euro – 1 EUR 
US dollar – 1 USD 

Valid interest rates of overnight interest agreement

Deposit amount level (EUR) Interest rate
50 000 0,25%
250 000 0,35%
500 000 0,40%
1 000 000 0,55%
2 000 000 0,75%

Deposit amount level (USD) Interest rate
100 000 0,20%
1 000 000 0,70%
2 500 000 0,70%
5 000 000 1,00%


  • Bank deposit with the shortest term lasting from one calendar day to the next
  • Higher interest rate than with a settlement account 
  • Money is available for settlements just like with a settlement account