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Overnight interest


Overnight interest agreement is an excellent opportunity to earn  interest on a daily basis from current account balance. 

You can conclude an overnight interest agreement in the internet bank. If you don't have such possibility please register for a video meeting, visit SEB branch, or contact your client executive.

Add overnight interest agreement


Overnight interest agreement interest rates

If at end of the calendar day your current account balance reaches or exceeds the threshold amount indicated in the table below, we will calculate the interest

Interest is calculated considering that a year consists of 360 (three hundred and sixty) days.  

Interest is paid to your current account in the morning of each calendar day, if the amount is at least 1 Eur

Valid interest rates of overnight interest agreement

Deposit amount level (EUR) Interest rate
50 000 0,25%
250 000 0,35%
500 000 0,40%
1 000 000 0,55%
2 000 000 0,75%

Deposit amount level (USD) Interest rate
100 000 0,20%
1 000 000 0,70%
2 500 000 0,70%
5 000 000 1,00%


  • An agreement that allows you to earn a higher interest on the current account if the balance of the current account reaches or exceeds the threshold set by us
  • Interest is paid out to your current account every calendar day if the amount is at least 1 Eur

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