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Stocks give the opportunity to invest in companies by acquiring an equity share, in return receiving a share of company’s growth in value and distributed profits (dividends). Stocks are suitable for investors who are willing to assume higher financial risk. 

Acquisition of stocks can serve as a long-term investment to derive income from dividends disbursed by the company, as well as a short-term investment to derive income from variations in stock prices.

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  • Suitable for experienced investors
  • Ability to invest directly in various companies
  • You can buy stocks of the Baltic as well as overseas companies on many major stock exchanges



Pricing of  investment products depends largely on the market you are planning to invest in. However, you should consider with the following fees:

  • Opening securities account 
  • Brokerage fee when you buy or sell
  • Monthly safekeeping fee
  • Financial transaction tax may apply in some countries
Securities account Private individual Legal entity
Opening and closing
1. Opening the intra-bank securities account free of charge free of charge
2. Opening the Baltic securities account in the internet bank free of charge;
at a bank office EUR 3
in the Internet bank free of charge;
at a bank office EUR 3
3. Outgoing Portfolio Transfer of Baltic Securities account to another intermediary (21) EUR 15 EUR 15
4. Incoming Portfolio Transfer of Baltic Securities account from another intermediary free of charge free of charge
5. Pledge account - EUR 35
6. Account closing free of charge free of charge
7. Child's special type of account (4) free of charge -
Statements issued by SEB Estonia (11)
1. At a bank office EUR 4 EUR 4
2. Regular monthly statement of the intra-bank securities account by e-mail free of charge free of charge
3. Transaction confirmation (for stock exchange transactions), from a bank office free of charge free of charge
Statements issued by Baltic Central Securities Depository (11)
1. Notice of opening the securities account (by regular mail) EUR 1 EUR 1
2. Ordering regular statements from Baltic Central Securities Depository (7) EUR 1.60 EUR 1.60
3. Daily-, 10-day, quarterly, monthly statement
- domestic by regular mail EUR 4 EUR 4
- cross-border by regular mail EUR 6 EUR 6
- by e-mail EUR 0.30 EUR 0.30
Brokerage fee for securities (1, 2, 15, 16, 23) Private individual and legal entity
1. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (Nasdaq Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius) shares In internet bank free of charge, at a bank office 0,1%, min EUR 1 
2. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (Nasdaq Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius) bonds 0,1%, min. EUR 1
3. Norwegian, Swedish Finnish, Danish, Austrian, Belgian, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, French, German (Xetra), Swiss shares 0,14%, min. EUR 9
4. British, Irish shares (8) 0,14%, min. EUR 9
5. US shares 0,14%, min. EUR 9 (but no less than 0.015 USD per share)
6. Canadian shares 0,14%, min. EUR 9 (but not less than 0.025 CAD per share)
7. Sweden (Spotlight) 0,4%, min. EUR 9
8. Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Russian shares 0,25%, min. EUR 25
9. Other shares according to agreement
10. Share purchase and sale offers and issues conducted through the auction environment of the exchange 0,3%, min. EUR 1
11. Trading account brokerage fee of the respective country
12. Micro-investments 0,5% (no minimum fee)
Monthly securities account maintenance fee (1, 6, 22) Private individual
Baltic and foreign securities  free of charge
Monthly securities account maintenance fee (1, 3, 6, 11, 14, 22) Legal entity
Baltic securities
1. Monthly maintenance fee of empty Baltic securities account EUR 4.80
2. Only non-marketable Estonian securities (expect fund units) (10) EUR 4.80
Baltic and foreign securities  
- Portfolio up to 100,000 EUR free of charge
- Portfolio 100,000 EUR to 2,100,000 EUR 0.004%
- Portfolio over 2,100,000 EUR 80 EUR + 0.001%

Exchange-traded funds (ETF) are considered as shares.

Settlement fee for securities (1) Private individual and legal entity
Settlement fee (shares) (2, 16) is applied to OTC securities transfers
1. Northen European shares (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany), US shares EUR 14
2. Austrian, Hungarian, Russian shares EUR 45
3. Belgian, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, French, Swiss, Czech, Canadian shares EUR 28
4. Polish shares (9) EUR 28
5. Irish shares (8) EUR 28
6. British shares (8) EUR 20
7. Shares from other countries EUR 75 or according to agreement
8. Trading account settlement fee of the respective country
Settlement fee (bonds)(2, 16)
1. Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, eurobonds (ISIN starts with XS) EUR 20
2. Austrian, Belgian, Irish, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, French, British, Swiss, Czech, Hungarian, Canadian bonds EUR 28
3. Italian bonds (20) EUR 28
4. Polish bonds (9) EUR 28
5. Russian bonds EUR 75
6. US bonds (20) EUR 20
7. Bonds from other countries EUR 75
8. Structured foreign bonds, distributed by AS SEB Pank (13) EUR 20
9. Structured foreign bonds, mediated by AS SEB Pank settlement fee of the respective country
Fund transactions (19) Settlement fee Monthly maintenance fee (3, 11) Administration fee (24)
SEB Investment Management AB U and F class money market and short term bond funds (17, 25)
Purchase/ sale/ change/ purchase of fund units with standing payment order of fundsaving free of charge free of charge 0,01%
Other SEB Investment Management AB U and F class bond funds (17)
Purchase/ sale/ change/ purchase of fund units with standing payment order of fundsaving free of charge free of charge 0,025%
Other SEB Investment Management AB U and F class funds (17, 27)
Purchase/ sale/ change/ purchase of fund units with standing payment order of fundsaving free of charge free of charge 0,035%
Other SEB Investment Management AB funds (17)
1. Purchase EUR 3,20 free of charge -
2. Sale EUR 3,20 free of charge -
3. Change of fund units free of charge free of charge -
4. Purchase of fund units with standing payment order of fundsaving free of charge free of charge -
Other funds registered in Estonia (1, 17)
1. Purchase EUR 3,20 Private individual – free of charge; Legal entity – monthly securities account maintenance fee corresponding to Baltic and foreign securities -
2. Sale EUR 3,20 Private individual – free of charge; Legal entity – monthly securities account maintenance fee corresponding to Baltic and foreign securities -
Other transaction fees
Baltic Central Securities Depository and other Estonian securities
1. Securities transfer against payment with defined counterparty EUR 3.20
2. Transfer without payment EUR 4.80
3. Transaction between the Baltic Central Depository and foreign depository EUR 20
4. Subscription to securities (19) free of charge
5. Confirmation of stock exchange transaction EUR 3.20
6. Pledge registration EUR 15
7. Transfer of pledged securities EUR 15
Foreign securities
1. SEB Estonia internal transaction EUR 4.80
2. Transaction with a determined counterparty settlement fee of the respective country
3. Subscription to foreign securities (19) settlement fee of the respective country
4. Subscription to structured bonds (19) EUR 3.20
5. Optional corporate events (12) settlement fee of respective country
6. Change of transaction terms/ cancellation of order (only upon agreement with the bank) actual expenses or min. settlement fee
Other services (11, 18)
1. Robo-advisory portfolio management fee (26) 0,041% per month 
2. Participation in the general meetings of shareholders as agreed with the bank
3. Tax Relief at source– Baltic securities EUR 10
4. Tax Relief at source– foreign securities(18) EUR 20 + actual fees
5. Tax reclaim - Baltic securities EUR 20 + actual fees
6. Tax reclaim – foreign securities (18) EUR 100 + actual fees
7. Processing fee of the child's special type of account (5) free of charge

(1) Baltic securities are held in a Baltic securities account and foreign securities are held in an intra-bank account.
(2) Foreign bank fees exceeding the SEB Estonia transaction fee to be added.
(3) The maintenance fee for a legal person's securities account is calculated once a month on the last banking day on the basis of the aggregated value of securities kept on the securities accounts. When calculating the value of securities, the bank proceeds from the net asset value (NAV) of the fund unit, for bonds -from the nominal value, for traded shares -from the market value or the most recent price, known to the bank. For the rest of the securities, the bank proceeds from the par value of the security or the accounting par value of the security. If information about the par value cannot be obtained from the financial data vendor, the par value shall be deemed to be 1. The maintenance fee of the securities account and the fee for the statement shall be debited from the client's cash account tied to the securities account once a month, the latest by the 15thday of the following calendar month. For legal persons with multiple securities account safekeeping fee shall be taken from the current account linked with the oldest securities account.
(4) A securities account opened on behalf of a minor or an adult with restricted active legal capacity, for whom guardianship has been established, for executing securities transactions on the account of the assets of a parent or guardian, arising from the Family Law Act. 
(5) Processing of securities transactions related to the child's special type of account, which requests further analysis in order to ascertain the eligibility of transactions on the child's special type of account (securities, obtained previously on the account of assets of the parent or guardian, securities transactions between customers, etc.) Maximum time of processing is 5 working days.
(6) For ADR (American Depositary Receipt) and GDR (Global Depositary Receipt) securities, direct costs related to safekeeping the securities may be added, which the bank debits from the client depending on the conditions of the specific ADR or GDR either once a month, quarter, half-year or year. VAT shall be added to the service charge as per Value Added Tax Act.
(7) Baltic Central Securities Depository gives issues a securities account statement upon request of the securities account owner once a year - free of charge.
(8) The Stamp Duty is generally levied on purchase transactions of British and Irish securities, which in Great Britain is 0.5% and in Ireland 1%.
(9) For transactions with certain Polish securities (such as OTC transaction without broker), the Stamp Duty of 1% on the transaction amount may be added. The buyer of the securities shall pay the Stamp Duty and submit the required documentation directly to the tax authority in Poland.
(10) If the client portfolio contains both, marketable as well as non-marketable Estonian securities (excl. fund units), which are registered with Baltic Central Securities Depository then the non-marketable securities (excl. fund units) are not included in the portfolio value and maintenance fee is charged only for the marketable securities.
(11) VAT shall be added to the service charge as per Value Added Tax Act. VAT is not added to monthly maintenance fee, if the securities account holds only the units or shares of a mutual fund stipulated in the Investment Funds Act or a mutual fund of a Member State of the European Economic Area.
(12 As regards the transaction fees for participants in optional corporate events, potential "out of pocket fees" (e.g. notary fees, transport costs) will be added, which will be divided between the participants in the corporate event pro rata to the quantity of their securities.
(13) Structured bonds, the issuers of which are credit institutions and the primary distribution of which has been introduced to the client by the Bank.
(14) Only those accounts, which contain only the securities of Estonian companies, which are either bankrupt or under liquidation, are exempt from a monthly maintenance fee, based on the information received from the Baltic Central Securities Depository. Monthly maintenance fee is not calculated, if the only securities held in the securities account throughout the entire calendar month are those, belonging to Estonian companies, which are in bankrupt or under liquidation.
(15) The commission fee rate of deals with a broker shall be calculated from the transaction amount
(16) A financial transaction tax of the respective country may be added to the transaction (e.g. 0.3% of the transaction amount in case of purchasing securities of an issuer in France and 0.2% of the transaction amount in case of purchasing securities of an issuer in Spain). A financial transaction tax or similar charge may also be applied to transactions resulting from corporate events, and that is debited from a client´s account within two months of the transaction (taking place).
(17) Securities are held in an intra-bank securities account.
(18) In case of specific countries, foreign securities bank may not offer prevention and refund of income tax. 
(19) An additional fee may be added to the transaction pursuant to the offering documents of the respective instruments.
(20) The precondition to executing transactions with these bonds is the submission of the required tax documentation. For this, please contact the bank before making the transaction.
(21) Applies, if the account includes securities with up to five different ISIN-codes. Starting from the transfer of sixth and subsequent securities positions with a different ISIN-code, a fee for securities transaction without payment shall be added.
(22) Baltic securities (excl. fund units) – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Foreign securities (excl. fund units): Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia, Canada, United States, other countries.
(23) Fees apply to orders submitted via the internet bank or a bank office.
(24) SEB Investment Management U and F class funds administration fee (set in monthly rate) is calculated at the end of each day based on the aggregated value (NAV) of the respective fund units. Administration fee is debited once a month, the latest by the 20th day for previous month from the current account tied to the securities account.
(25) SEB Short Bond Fund U class belongs to this group.
(26) Fee for previous month is debited once per month latest by 10th day from the cash account tied to the service. VAT shall be added to the service charge as per Value Added Tax Act.
(27) SEB Asienfond ex. Japan C, E unit classes belongs to this group.

We recommend that before you sign any financial service agreement you read the service terms carefully and consult the staff of the bank if you need to.

This page contains promotional information. It cannot be construed as a recommendation, order or invitation to use the described saving and investing services and may not constitute any basis or part of any subsequent transaction. We remind you that investing involves risk. You are responsible for your decisions; therefore, before you make any decision, you should be fully informed about the selected services/products and the risks associated with them.