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We pay interest on your current account


Which saving option to use?

Term deposit

  • An opportunity to grow your money over a specific period
  • Annual interest rate up to 2.30%

Open term deposit Read more

Savings deposit (including Digital Coin Jar)

  • An opportunity to increase your free money on an ongoing basis
  • Annual interest rate is 1.8% (Valid from 28.07.2023)

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Current account

  • Possibility to earn interest on free money for a shorter period of time
  • Annual interest rate is 0.2%

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Term deposit for private customers

The calculation is an estimate, the amount of interest you will receive depends on the terms of the specific deposit contract. Interest income is taxable in certain cases. The use of an investment account allows an Estonian resident individual taxpayer to postpone taxation of the interest received on the deposit.

Base rates

Published on 12.03.2025

1-month EURIBOR® 2,3920
3-month EURIBOR® 2,5270
6-month EURIBOR® 2,3720
12-month EURIBOR® 2,4310
€STR 2,6630
SOFR USD 4,3200
Bank's base interest 2,6410
Base rates historical data

Euribor (benchmark) and Eonia (benchmark) are published by the European Money Markets Institute (EMMI).
The base interest rate of the bank is set and published by AS SEB Pank.
The set base interest rate may decrease or increase over time. These changes affect the contractual interest rate. For example, if the new base interest rate has increased compared to the previous base interest rate which was in force on the day the agreement was concluded, the interest payments will also increase.

Bank base interest (BBI)

The BBI is based on the level of interest rates in financial markets. As interest rates in the euro area have been rising rapidly (mainly due to high inflation and the decisions of the ECB to raise the base interest rate), the BBI has also risen. The bank reviews the BBI on a monthly basis and, if necessary, adjusts it if changes in interest rates in financial markets give reason to do so. Customers whose loans are contractually linked to the BBI will receive a contractual notification stating the new BBI level and the date from which the rate will apply. You can check whether your loan is linked to the BBI either via the Internet Bank or your loan agreement. The BBI is only used for existing credit agreements. The bank will not enter into any new agreements with the BBI.