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New service plans
for your everyday needs


New Service Plans will give you more useful benefits

  • Free current accounts for managing your finances
  • Free payments to other Estonian and European banks
  • Debit and credit cards with no monthly fee
  • Trauma insurance
  • Purchase and travel insurance for credit card holders
  • Possibility to withdraw larger amounts free of charge from SEB ATMs in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
  • Free settlements for children and young people with the new service plans of SEB

New service plans

Scroll the table horizontally, in order to see more information on different service plans.

Service name Price list Youth1 Daily2, 14 Diverse14 Exclusive14 Elite3

An option to apply via internet bank

Automatically applied1 Apply Apply Apply Apply

Conclusion, monthly fee

No monthly fee EUR 1.95
Age 18-25 (incl.) free of charge
From age 65 0.32 euros
EUR 2.95 EUR 10 EUR 33
Current accounts without monthly fee4 0.30/7 euros per account12
Unlimited number of free intra-bank and European payments in electronic channels5 0.08–0.25 euros per payment13
1 debit card without maintenance fee6 1 euro/1.50 euros Mastercard debit card
Picture Card debit card
Mastercard debit card
Picture Card debit card
Mastercard debit card
Picture Card debit card
Mastercard Gold debit card
Mastercard debit card
Picture Card debit card
Mastercard Gold debit card
Mastercard debit card
Picture Card debit card
Mastercard Gold debit card
Cash withdrawal free of charge at SEB ATMs in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (monthly limit is common to all debit cards) up to 600 euros per calendar month per customer (account owner) free of charge EUR 1000 EUR 1000 EUR 1200 EUR 2000 EUR 3000
Instant trauma compensation11 EUR 50/year EUR 100/year EUR 200/year
Credit card without maintenance fee7, 8 1.60/7.50/30 euros 1 Mastercard credit card or Picture Card credit card with purchase insurance

1 Mastercard Gold credit card or Mastercard Premium credit card with extra services8:

The services mentioned above are only included with the Mastercard Gold or Mastercard Premium credit card.

1 Mastercard World Elite credit card with extra services8:

In addition, 1 credit card (except for Mastercard Platinum and Mastercard World Elite credit cards).9

Interest on credit card with fixed payment
-2 % discount8
18% per year from the credit limit used
Possibility to add members10 Up to 2 members.
The owner of plan pays a monthly fee of EUR 1 for each member.15
Up to 2 members.
No monthly fee is charged from members.
Up to 4 members.
No monthly fee is charged from members.
Sending a card to a parcel machine within Estonia free of charge 3.20 euros
Mastercard Picture card activation at a bank office free of charge 5 euros
Debit card (ISIC Scholar, ISIC Student, Mastercard Debit card, Mastercard Picture card) limits changes at the bank office free of charge 2.50 euros

Scroll the table horizontally, in order to see more information on different service plans.

Service name Diverse Exclusive Elite
Current accounts without monthly fee4
Unlimited number of intra-bank and European payments in electronic channels5
1 debit card without maintenance fee6 Mastercardi deebetkaart
Picture Card debit card
Mastercard Gold debit card
Mastercardi deebetkaart
Picture Card debit card
Mastercard Gold debit card
Mastercardi deebetkaart
Picture Card debit card
Mastercard Gold debit card
Cash withdrawal free of charge at SEB ATMs in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (monthly limit is common to all debit cards) EUR 1200 EUR 2000 EUR 2000
Instant trauma insurance11 EUR 100 / year EUR 200 / year EUR 200 / year
Credit card without maintenance fee7,8 1 Mastercard credit card or Picture Card credit card with purchase insurance

1 Mastercard credit card or Picture Card credit card with purchase insurance

1 Mastercard credit card or Picture Card credit card with purchase insurance

Interest on credit card with fixed payment
-2 % discount8

1 Youth Plan applies to private customers up to and including 25 years of age without entering into a contract, unless the young person has entered into another plan contract.
2 For private customers up to and including 25 years of age, the Daily Plan is free of charge and for private customers over 65 years of age, the Daily Plan costs EUR 0.32 per month. Youth plan applies to private customers up to and including 25 years of age without entering into a contract, unless the young person aged 18-25 years has entered into another plan contract.
3 The prerequisite for choosing the Elite Plan is a valid SEB Private Banking Customer Agreement.
4 We do not offer a current account to non-residents of EEA Member States, who have a plan with no monthly fee.
5 Includes an unlimited number of intra-bank and European payments (including instant payments), e-invoice with automated standing order and standing order payments to European banks.
6 In the Youth and Daily plan free is the card related to the earliest concluded debit card agreement, except for the Mastercard Gold debit card. The Diverse, Exclusive and Elite plans have a Mastercard Gold debit card with no monthly fee or, in its absence, the card related to the earliest concluded debit card agreement.
7 The earliest issued credit card included in the service plan is free of monthly fee.
8 Getting a credit card depends on solvency. Joining a plan does not guarantee the issuing of a card.
The Elite plan also includes a Mastercard Premium credit card with no monthly fee or, in its absence, a Mastercard credit card or Picture credit card.
10 A plan member can be an adult who holds a current account with SEB. Please note that the services used by the members of the plan differ from those of the Exclusive and Elite Plan owners.
11 With the insurance cover in the event of trauma, you will be compensated if, due to an accident, you have suffered a health problem (trauma), due to which you have been required to visit an emergency medical department. The indemnity is paid for one such event in a calendar year and its occurrence must be proven by medical records. The indemnity is paid within two working days from the submission of the required medical documents. The customer does not need to conclude an insurance agreement to obtain this insurance cover. The insurance is valid from the day following the conclusion of the service plan agreement until the expiry of the agreement or until the member is removed from the service plan. The insurance cover in the event of trauma is provided by the Estonian branch of SEB Life and Pension SE. Please review the information document of the instant trauma insurance service and the insurance terms and conditions (incl. the limitations and exclusions therein) on the website of SEB.
12 There is no monthly fee for customers resident in Estonia and the European Economic Area who are using plans. Customers resident in another country who is using plans will be charged the full monthly fee.
13 The price of intra-bank and European payments via electronic channels (incl. standing payment orders, bank link payments) is 0.25 euros. The price of intra-bank payments made with a standing payment order is 0.08 euros and the price of a regular European payment is 0.19 euros.
14 For SEB Gold Customer, the Daily and Diverse plans have no monthly fee, the monthly fee for the Exclusive Plan is 25 % cheaper than the standard price list, i.e. it costs EUR 7.50/month.
15 As the owner of the Diverse Plan, the Gold Customer can add to the plan up to 2 members free of charge.

Service plans calculator

Service Plans calc example

Frequently asked questions

Selecting new plan

The new private customer plans include a wider range of modern services, such as the insurance cover in the event of trauma and a credit card that comes with purchase and travel insurance. In addition, the bank is going to transition gradually to greener bank cards with the new plans.

Youth plan is free for children and young people (until the age 25 included).

The cheapest new service plan for private customers is the Daily Plan at 1.95 euros a month, followed by the Diverse Plan at 2.95 euros per month and the Exclusive Plan at 10 euros per month. 

From the end of the second quarter of this year, the current SEB service plans will no longer be valid due to launching the new plans, so customers should select the most suitable plan for them from the new plans before 30 June 2024.   
SEB informed plan holders of the possibility to select a new plan individually. This means that all current plan holders received a recommendation for a plan from the bank based on the services that the customers have been using. If a customer does not want the suggested plan, they can always pick another, that suits the best or terminate his current plan agreement.

Current plans are available to use until 30 June 2024

You can use the SEB plan calculator on our website to help you choose the new service plan. The calculator suggests the plan that is the best fit for you. Further information about the features and terms and conditions of all service plans can be obtained from our website and from the Internet Bank, as well as from a bank branch, if you wish.

The current plans remain valid until the 30 July 2024.

SEB informed plan holders of the possibility to select a new plan individually. All current plan holders received a recommendation for a plan from the bank based on the services that the customers have been using. If a customer does not want the suggested plan, they can always pick another, more suitable plan.

If a customer does not make a choice or does not terminate his current plan agreement by 30th of June at the latest, the plan which the bank considers the most suitable for them will be applied to them from the beginning of July. If a customer has previously made settlements without a plan, the bank did not send him a specific plan recommendation. Such customer can conclude a plan agreement by choosing the most suitable plan or continue settlement without a plan. For an active customer the cheapest option is to select a suitable plan for their daily banking operations, and therefore, we recommend that they conclude an agreement for a new plan as soon as possible. 

When choosing a new service plan, the current SEB Family Plan agreement ends and the status of the members in the plan is terminated. Therefore, members of the SEB Family Plan are not automatically transferred to the new selected service plan.

From now on, holders of the current SEB Family Plan will be able to add two adult members to their service plan by choosing the Diverse or Exclusive Plan. The member receives an invitation to join in their Internet Bank and must accept it if they want to become a member of the new service plan.

Current members of the SEB Family Plan will not be automatically transferred to the new service plan. The status of an SEB Family Plan member will expire when the holder of the Family Plan has selected a new service plan or on 30 June 2024 at the latest.

If a Family Plan member has not received an invitation to a new service plan by this time and accepted it or selected a new plan for themselves, they will be subject to the fees specified in the general price list after 30 June 2024.

Starting from 16 April 2024, the Youth Plan without a monthly fee applies by default for children and young people (18- to 25-year-old people (included)).

The prerequisite for subscribing to the Elite Plan is a valid SEB private banking customer agreement. Read more about SEB private banking:

Choosing a plan is recommended and it helps to save on service fees. If a customer has failed to find a suitable plan from the plans offered by SEB so far, they now have an opportunity to make another choice.

A customer can use daily banking services based on the private customer price list if they do not choose a plan. The free Youth Plan will apply to children and young people (18 to 25 years of age included) by default.

You can terminate the agreement at any time in the Internet Bank for Private Individuals or at a branch.

The monthly fee of the service plan is deducted from the bank account associated with the agreement within the first ten days of the month, generally on the fourth day.

No monthly fee is charged for the month of signing the plan agreement.

The monthly plan fee must be paid even if the customer does not use the services included in the plan (for example, does not make transfers, does not use a bank card, does not withdraw cash from an ATM). Unused services are not carried over to the following month.

If the customer terminates the agreement in the middle of the month, we are entitled to receive the monthly fee for that month in proportion to the days the agreement was valid.

The bank will deduct the service fee for concluding the service plan agreement from the account specified in the agreement the day after signing the agreement.

In the period from 16 April to 30 June 2024, the service plan conclusion fee does not apply.


Depending on their plan, the holder of the plan can withdraw cash free of charge from the ATMs of SEB in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in the amount of up to 2,000 euros per month. If the limit for withdrawing cash specified in the plan is exceeded, the fee specified in the general price list will be applied to the amount by which the limit has been exceeded.


The following must be kept in mind when choosing a new plan and adding members to the plan:

  • To children and young people (up to and including 25 years of age), the free Youth Plan applied by default from 16 April 2024.
  • From 65 years of age, the Daily Plan is available at the discounted price of 32 cents per month.

The status of an SEB Family Plan member will expire when the holder of the Family Plan has selected a new plan or on 30 June 2024 at the latest. If a Family Plan member has not received an invitation to a new plan by this time and accepted it or selected a new plan for themselves, they will pay for the services based on the general price list after 30 June 2024.

Up to two people can be invited to join the Diverse and Exclusive service plans, and up to four people can be invited to join the Elite service plan; the invitees must be adult private customers of SEB, such as family members or friends. No additional fee is charged for members who are invited to join the Exclusive and Elite service plans. The monthly fee for a member invited to join the Diverse service plan is 1 euro, paid by the service plan holder. A holder of the Diverse service plan who is a Gold Customer of SEB can invite up to two members to join the plan without an additional fee.

The service plan holder can add or remove members in the Internet Bank or at a branch office by concluding a new agreement or amending an existing one. The recipient of the invitation must approve the invite to become a member of the service plan.

The list of the services applicable to a member of a plan is described under the plan type and may differ from the services provided to the plan holder.

Members of the Diverse Plan can use the same services as those provided to the holder of the plan. The services provided to the members of the Exclusive and Elite Plans differ from those available to the holders of the service plans. The details of the services available to the holders and members of service plans can be found on the website of SEB.

The monthly credit card maintenance fee has been waived for the members of the Diverse, Exclusive, and Elite plans (except for Gold, Premium, Platinum, and World Elite credit cards) and the interest rate of a credit card with fixed payment is 2% lower.

If a customer who has added members to their plan wants to switch to another plan, then the existing members status will end and they will not be transferred to the customer new plan. In the case of subscribing to a new service plan, the members must be added again. The members invited will become members of the new service plan when they have accepted the invitation.


The free Youth Plan automatically applied to children and young people aged up to 25 (included) by default from 16 April 2024 and a customer does not have to make any arrangements to join the service plan. 

From the age of 18, it is possible to choose the Daily Plan, which is free for all young people up to 25 years of age (included). The Daily Plan is similar to the Youth Plan, but also includes insurance cover in the case of trauma. If a young person aged 18–25 wishes to have the instant trauma insurance, they can also conclude the agreement for the Daily Plan on their Internet Bank, by a video meeting, or at a branch before 30 June 2024.

  We recommend the Daily Plan for customers from the age of 65 because it includes an unlimited number of payments and a debit card, free cash withdrawals of up to 1,000 euros per month from ATMs, and insurance cover in the event of trauma of 50 euros. The service plan will cost 0.32 euros per month for seniors. 

If senior has a credit card, we recommend choosing the Diverse plan, which gives an interest discount of -2% and a credit card with no monthly fee. If a customer wishes to choose some other plan, they can do so in the Internet Bank or at a branch.

Gold Customers of SEB can use the Daily and Diverse Plans without a monthly fee and the monthly fee of the Exclusive Plan is 7.50 euros per month for a Gold Customer of SEB.

A Gold Customer of SEB can also invite up to two members to their Diverse Plan with no additional fee charged. The regular fee for a member who is added to the Diverse Plan is 1 euro, paid by the plan holder. 

Trauma Insurance

The customer does not need to hold a credit card to rely on trauma insurance; similarly, they do not need to conclude a separate insurance agreement – a valid plan agreement is sufficient. 

Insurance cover in the event of trauma covers health damage caused by an accident, that require a visit to an emergency medical department and is reflected in the medical record, and it also applies to private customers abroad.  

 The amount of insurance cover offered by the Daily Plan is 50 euros, for the Diverse Plan, it is 100 euros, and for the Exclusive Plan, it is 200 euros, whereas the indemnity will be paid within two working days after submitting the required medical documents. The insurance indemnity will be paid for one accident per year.  

The terms and conditions of trauma insurance are available on the website of SEB.

In the case of a loss event, you can apply for a trauma insurance indemnity conveniently and quickly under the agreement of your plan in the Internet Bank (My plan > Report a loss) of by visiting a branch of SEB.

The insurance indemnity is paid to the SEB bank account of the insured person specified in the service plan agreement within two working days after submitting the required medical documents.

Bank cards

SEB bank cards issued from 16 April 2024 will receive a new design. In order to reduce the environmental impact of plastic cards, the bank is gradually switching to more environmentally friendly cards made from 84% bioplastics, i.e., leftover feed corn. All bank cards will be redesigned, and all debit cards will have a special indentation, i.e. a ‘dent’, that can be felt by hand. This will help people who are visually impaired to differentiate more easily between debit and credit cards, making it more convenient to use cards that are distinguishable by touch – for example, when paying in shops or withdrawing money from an ATM.

The monthly fee is not charged for the debit or credit card associated with the agreement concluded first.

Purchase insurance will be added to all SEB credit cards. In addition to purchase insurance, the holders of Premium and Gold credit cards will receive Premium travel insurance for the family and, as an additional service of Mastercard, access to a business lounge if a flight is delayed as well as the option to use fast track security lanes at airports. The details and terms and conditions of the purchase insurance, Premium travel insurance, and WE travel insurance can be found from your credit card agreement in the Internet Bank and from our website.

You need to apply for a credit card in the Internet Bank or at a branch office of the bank.

A credit card is a credit product and issuing one depends on the solvency of a customer. Joining a plan does not guarantee that a credit card will be issued.

The holders of the Diverse Plan do not have to pay the monthly maintenance fee of a credit card (except for Gold, Premium, Platinum, and World Elite credit cards) and the interest rate of a credit card with fixed payment is 2% lower.

The monthly maintenance fee is not applied to the Exclusive Plan holders for Gold and Premium credit cards. The discounted interest rate for a credit card with fixed payment is not offered to the Exclusive Plan holders.

Elite Plan holders do not have to pay the monthly maintenance fee for a World Elite credit card plus one additional credit card, selected by the customer (except for World Elite). In addition, the Elite Plan holders can enjoy a 2% lower interest rate for a credit card with fixed payment.

Gold and Premium credit cards grant access to a business lounge if a flight is delayed by at least two hours. Up to five people can enter a business lounge in addition to the card holder. The annual number of visits to business lounges in the event of flight delays is not limited.

The holders of Gold and Premium credit cards can book a fast track security lane for free up to five times per year.

When travelling, Premium travel insurance applies worldwide and the family members travelling with the card holder are also covered, including all children in the family who travel with the credit card holder. The travel insurance is also extended to adult children up to 22 years of age.

Travel insurance is included with Gold, Premium, Platinum, and World Elite credit cards.

There is no extra charge for the insurance added to your credit card.

Travel insurance offered by World Elite credit cards will be updated – in the future, all children (up to the age of 22) in the family who are travelling with the credit card holder will be insured.

The purchase insurance applies to the purchases of the credit card holder in shops and online stores worldwide, presuming that the credit card was used for paying for the purchase. It covers the purchased item against unexpected damage, destruction, or loss for up to six months from the date of purchase.

Premium travel insurance, WE travel insurance, and purchase insurance loss events can be reported on the website of SEB by filing a claim or in the self-service environment of PZU Kindlustus.