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Changes in the price list and the terms and conditions of agreements

On 1 January 2024, changes will enter into force in the price list, general terms and conditions, and the terms and conditions for current accounts, standing payment orders, the Internet Bank for private individuals and business customers, term and savings deposits, pension investment account, and private loan agreements.

We lowered the fees for concluding or amending home loan and mortgage loan agreements, and going forward, amending consumer loan agreements is free.  When using a credit card, the price of the Priority Pass service changes. For business customers, we have adjusted the management fees of companies belonging in international groups.

Changes in the price list

Express European payment order must be entered before 5 p.m on business day (instead of 5:45 p.m). In case of Express European payment order, given until 5:00 p.m. on business day, money shall be transferred immediately (1).

(1)    Payment originated in euros only to a member state of the Eurozone (Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Spain, Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, France, Germany, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Finland), if the bank has accepted the payment before 17.00. The beneficiary’s bank must have a correct BIC and account number must be indicated with IBAN.

General transaction and service fees Currently valid From 01.01.2024
Using Priority Pass service EUR 27 per using EUR 30 per using
Home loan, mortgage loan Currently valid From 01.01.2024
Agreement conclusion   1% of the loan amount, min. EUR 190 0.4% of the loan amount, min. EUR 190
Agreement amendment (1) Up to 1% of the remaning loan, min. EUR 190 Up to 0.4% of the remaning loan, min. EUR 190
Consumer loan Currently valid From 01.01.2024
Agreement amendment (1) EUR 35 free of charge
Overdraft, limit loan Currently valid From 01.01.2024
Changing the payment date once in a year free of charge free of charge
Changing the payment date as of the second change of payment date in one year EUR 20 free of charge
Endowment loan  Currently valid From 01.01.2024
Agreement amendment (1) Up to 1% of the remaning loan, min. EUR 250 Up to 0.4% of the remaning loan, min. EUR 190
Changing the payment date once in a year free of charge free of charge
Changing the payment date as of the second change of payment date in one year EUR 20 free of charge
Change of the current account(s) related to the loan EUR 20 free of charge

(1)    All amendments to the loan, which have not been indicated  epos separate clauses in the price list (incl. Amendment of collateral in a notarised or other form).

  From 01.01.2024
International customers site access fee (1) Upon agreement(2)

(1) Fee will be applied to a business customer who is or whose mother company is SEB AB’s client.
(2) VAT as per Value Added Tax Act will be added to the price.

Amendment of the terms and conditions

In the general terms and conditions, we updated the chapters on establishing a relationship with a customer and the cancellation of agreements so we could be more efficient in enforcing the anti-money laundering due diligence measures applicable to the bank, mitigating the risk of sanctions, and complying with the requirements applicable to  epos payment services. We specified the procedure for forwarding the  eposii secrets of private persons and information that a customer must submit to the bank during a  eposi agreement for the assessment of solvency.

AS SEB Pank General Terms and Conditions as of 1 January 2024

In the terms and conditions of current account agreements, we specified the purpose of using the account and amended the grounds for the termination of the agreement.

Terms and conditions of current account agreements as of 1 January 2024

In the terms and conditions of standing payment order agreements, we clarified the definitions and wording and simplified its structure. We specified the right of the bank to terminate the agreement unilaterally and the procedure for submitting customer complaints.

Terms and conditions of standing order agreement as of 1 January 2024

In the terms and conditions of the Internet Bank for private individuals, we refined the terms and conditions for terminating the Internet Bank agreement and specified the definition of digitalised payment cards in the subsection on the mobile application.

Terms and conditions of the Internet Bank for private individuals as of 1 January 2024

In the terms and conditions of the Internet Bank for Business, we clarified the prerequisites for using the Internet Bank for Business (existing business customer current account) and the termination of the agreement in the case of closing settlement accounts.

Terms and conditions of the Internet Bank for business as of 1 January 2024

In the terms and conditions of term deposit and savings deposit agreements, we corrected the definitions and wording and simplified the structure. We added a clarification to the terms and conditions of savings  deposit agreements, stating that automatic deposits do not apply to a savings  deposit opened during the conclusion of a Digital Coin Jar agreement (automatic transfer from the settlement account to the  deposit account, configured by the customer).

Terms and conditions of term deposit agreement as of 1 January 2024 
Terms and conditions of savings deposit agreement as of 1 January 2024

In the terms and conditions of the pension investment account agreement, we improved the wording and simplified the structure. We updated the conditions for paying interest in the account.

Terms and conditions of the pension investment account agreement as of 1 January 2024

In the terms and conditions of private loan agreements, we specified the rights of the bank in regard to changing a guarantee and removed the right of the bank to conclude an insurance agreement for the guarantee. We clarified the section describing how a customer should submit information and reduced the amount of the contractual penalty.

Terms and conditions of private loan agreements as of 1 January 2024


The Terms and Conditions of all, including updated SEB products and services, are available on the SEB Terms and Conditions page.

If you accept the changes, you do not need to take any further action: your agreement(s) will be subject to the new price list and the new terms and conditions as of 1 January 2024. If you do not agree to the changes in the price list or the terms and conditions, you have the right to terminate the agreement(s) with the bank by no later than 31 December 2023.