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Manage your own pension assets


Starting from 2021, there will be more options for saving for the future

Do not rush into making a decision.

Take your time and weigh your options. You can make changes to your pension savings at any time.
New alternatives for saving.

Join a system where you pay 2% and the state contributes an additional 4% or continue saving by investing on your own.
Favourable disbursement solutions when you reach retirement age.

More favourable income tax rate applies to the money withdrawn.
Greater freedom to suspend your payments and leave the pillar.

Do not forget that with freedom comes the responsibility of saving for a dignified pension on your own.

We have updated your personal pension page

  • The best overview of your pension assets
  • The calculator will help to figure out the size of your pension
  • Valuable advice for finding the most suitable saving solution
  • The opportunity to make changes in your saving solutions quickly and conveniently

SEB's pension investment account

With the SEB pension investment account, you can make your own investment decisions without losing the benefits of the second pillar.

  • A broad range of investment opportunities
  • A convenient solution for experienced investors and useful tips for those getting started
  • The possibility of putting together a tracking list for securities you are interested in

Important dates to consider in connection with the pension reform

Starting from 1 January 2021, you will be able to submit an application for withdrawing the money in the second pension pillar or for suspending your contributions. Disbursements will be made starting from September 2021. Do not rush with making any decisions! You will be able to make changes in your pension plan also in the future.




Join II pillar

From 2021, those born before 1983 and those who have not yet joined the II pillar will be able to start collecting by submitting an application. This means that 2% of your gross salary goes to the pension account and the state adds twice as much, i.e. 4%, at the expense of the social tax paid for you.

All those born in 1983 and later automatically join the II pillar, unless they have applied for exemption from II pillar payments before joining.


1 January – 31 March

II pillar collectors have the opportunity to submit an application

From 1 January to the end of March, people who have joined the II pillar have the first opportunity to apply for either a II pillar withdrawal or an exemption from contributions. However, both options must be thought through.


31 March

Withdraw your application

If you applied for a waiver of II pillar contributions between January and March, please submit your application before 31 March to withdraw your application.


1 April

Consider investing yourself

From 1 April 2021, it will be possible to open a pension investment account and submit an exchange application for the full or partial transfer of the amount collected in the II pillar to this solution. Exchange applications made from April to the end of July will be realised and the assets will be move to the pension investment account in September.

Show more important pension timeline dates

What comes next?

Take some time and plan your future wisely
During a comprehensive consultation, we can review your pension plan together
Choose a suitable solution

Why secure your future at SEB?

  • Our fund managers have over 20 years of investment experience. Our expertise in the field helps us manage your pension savings in both good and bad times.
  • SEB invests in responsible companies. In this way, you are also supporting an environmentally friendly and sustainable way of thinking
  • You will get the best overview of your pension savings in the Internet Bank. We can review your pension plan together via a video meeting.

We will review your pension savings

Contact me

The above information should in no way be construed as an investment consultation, investment recommendation, nor product or service offer. Nor should any information or views presented herein be treated as an offer or recommendation to enter into any contract whatsoever. Legislation governing the tax system may change. Taxation depends on individual circumstances relating to a client, including his/her residence for tax purposes, etc. Before making an investment decision, please carefully review the information published about the product, including the fund prospectus and the terms and conditions. Information on SEB products can be found on the SEB web page, and on other funds, from If necessary, please register for a consultation via the SEB web page