Past performance or the history of the Fund’s activities does not constitute a promise or an indication of its future performance or the attainment of its objectives in future periods.
Investments made into the Fund may or may not be profitable; thus, there is no guarantee to that the investor will get back the amount invested or that it will grow. In some cases the value of their investments may change to a considerably larger extent than could be typically expected based on the risk profile of the Fund. A more detailed overview of the main risks associated with investing the Fund’s assets is provided in the public issue prospectus of the units of the Fund.
The information contained herein should in no event be interpreted as investment advice, investment recommendation or any other investment or ancillary service. Before making a decision to invest one should carefully consider the financial, legal, regulative, accounting and taxation issues related to the intended investment and assess all the risks associated with the investment and the appropriateness and suitability of the investment. If necessary, advice should be sought from professional tax and investment advisors. General information in investing and securities is available at the website of SEB at Investor protection.
Detailed information on the Fund, incl. the rules of the Fund, public issue prospectus, key investor information document or simplified prospectus, financial reports and other important information are available on the website of SEB at Investment funds. Before making a decision to invest, we kindly ask you to review the documents and other information available on the Fund at the afore-mentioned website.