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Discretionary portfolio management service

If you choose discretionary portfolio management service, your funds will be invested into securities portfolio designed by our investment professionals, constructed using cost-efficient and diversified exchange traded funds (ETFs) available on the market. All investment decisions are made by the bank.

Robo-Advisor will guide you and select a suitable portfolio, based on your objectives, preferences, and financial situation. Please make sure to provide us with an accurate and up-to-date information about your investment preferences and finances, also known as the investor data, in a timely manner, as your responses are the basis for selecting the right portfolio for you.

For more information on reassessment of suitability of the portfolio, please read below.

You can set up a regular investment schedule, make one-off investment, or withdraw part or all of your investments using SEB mobile app in your phone.

We believe that investing is a long-term exercise. You should not be investing any money that you may need in a short period of time, or even next year. The longer you can keep your investments, the lower probability of the loss on your initial investment. The higher expected return corresponds to higher risk to lose initial investment or part of it.

Selling your investments prematurely or on short notice increases the risk of an investment loss. Therefore, please make sure you always have adequate additional savings in case of unexpected life events.

Key features of Robo-Advisor portfolios

We recommend investing through an investment account. Before using the Robo-advisor, you should familiarize yourself with tax related information and take it into the account. You should open an investment account in the Internet bank, select an investment account to make payments in Robo-advisor, ensure that sufficient investment amount is available in your investment account on each investment day and declare contributions and withdrawals from your investment account on an annual basis.

If you decide to use a current account as a cash account for investment, you are required to declare all transactions in securities (including transactions made by the bank under a portfolio management agreement), as well as any gains in the annual tax declaration and pay income tax. We recommend using the SEB tax tool when declaring investments.

  • Investment risk is diversified by using broad asset class and geography index ETFs. 
  • Investment portfolios will be periodically reviewed and rebalanced to maintain the selected risk level for each customer. 
  • Invest from as little as 10 euros into portfolio which can include up to 10 ETFs. 
  • Pricing tailored for frequent small investments – only portfolio management fee indicated in the pricelist is applied. There are no brokerage fees, as well as no trading or portfolio rebalancing fees.  
  • ETF ongoing fee is charged by the fund management company and reflected in the ETF unit price.  
  • Our portfolios do not distribute dividends.  
  • Robo-Advisor portfolios invest in the ETFs that invest in companies which consider ESG (Environmental, Social or Governance-related) requirements. 
  • Trade orders are executed on Tuesdays. In some exceptional cases, i.e. holidays on Tuesday in specific countries or markets where trades are executed, market disruptions or other unforeseen circumstances, trade orders might be initiated in the next possible trading day or the following Tuesday. Trade settlements require an additional 2 business days, therefore in case of withdrawal of the funds from investment portfolio account the transfer of money to your account usually might take up to 8 business days (in exceptional cases – up to 14 business days) after the submission of your withdrawal request.

Reassessment of portfolio suitability

Update your investor data regularly

  • Our aim is to assess the suitability of your  portfolio regularly. Therefore, we kindly ask you to update the investor data you provide us with at least once a year, or immediately in case of material change in your investor data, so that we can reassess if the portfolio is still suitable to you.  
  • Investor data can be easily updated on SEB mobile app, under the section “Investment”.  
  •  We manage your portfolio based on the latest investor data provided and confirmed by you for the particular portfolio. These data might be outdated and lead to incorrect reassessment result, therefore updating of your investor data is very important.  
  • In case you do not update your investor data for 5 years, we will have to terminate the agreement and sell the securities in the portfolio, as it will not be possible to verify whether the portfolio is still suitable to you. 

Result of reassessment

  • After you update your investor data, based on it, we will reassess if the portfolio is still suitable to you or require changes.  
  • In case the existing portfolio is not suitable to you anymore, we will inform you about required changes, and will ask you to confirm them by signing a new Portfolio composition document via SEB mobile app. You will have 21 days to accept the required changes. 
  • In case you do not confirm the required portfolio changes, we will terminate the agreement and sell the securities in the portfolio, as it will not be suitable to you anymore.  
  • If you confirm the required changes, we will take care of all necessary transactions to ensure that your current portfolio assets and future regular investments (if any) are updated accordingly. 

Accounts used for investments and the execution of orders

When using the Robo-Advisor’s ETF portfolio management service, you can select a current account or investment account for making contributions to the portfolio. We will additionally open dedicated portfolio’s investment account and securities accounts, which you will not be able to use on your own, but which are necessary for the provision of ETF portfolio management service.

When making an investment, the funds are first transferred from your chosen current or investment account to the portfolio’s investment account. Securities purchase transactions are settled from the portfolio’s investment account. The securities included in the portfolio are kept in the portfolio’s securities account.

When making a withdrawal from the portfolio, an appropriate number of securities are sold, and securities sale transactions are settled from the portfolio’s investment account. Afterwards the funds received from the sale of the securities are transferred to your chosen current or investment account.

The funds required for the coverage of monthly fee portfolio management are first transferred from your chosen current or investment account to the portfolio’s investment account, and then deducted from the portfolio’s investment account.

Tax payment

When making investments you have to take into consideration tax obligations submit obligatory data for your tax declaration and if needed pay tax. If you select portfolio management service, we will open portfolio investment account. Nevertheless you should declare investment account in your tax declaration and provide data on money transfers in and out from account to get investment account tax benefits.

If you choose a current account for investing

Transfer of funds between current account and portfolio’s investment account are considered as contributions or withdrawals from the portfolio’s investment account.  To comply with the requirements, you have to declare transfers in and out each year in your tax declaration. In such cases when  withdrawals are made from the portfolio’s investment account exceed the contributions made to it, a capital gain tax needs to be paid.

To postpone the payment of tax, we suggest using an investment account as the primary source of contributions and follow requirements on declaration of transaction.

If you choose an investment account for investing

In this case the transfers of funds between investment account and portfolio investments account are not considered as contributions or withdrawals. When making a withdrawal from the portfolio or terminating the service, the funds are transferred to your selected account, please make sure that you select the initial investment account which was used for cash transfers in. In such case you will not yet obliged to declare income and pay tax. Nevertheless, you have an obligation to declare transfer in and out of the investment account each year.  If you do not declare required data in tax declaration you might lose investment account tax benefits and might have an obligation to pay tax when you take money from portfolio, or when bank makes changes in the portfolio instruments, and you might have to pay income tax from each profitable transaction.

Please note that if you use an investment account for making investments, the tax must be paid only when the amount of money withdrawn from the investment account exceeds the amount paid into it. To comply with the requirements, you have to declare transfers in and out each year in your tax declaration.


Defensive strategy

A low-risk portfolio. When managing the model portfolio, among other things, the long-term return fluctuation (based on 10-Year Standard deviation) of the instruments in the portfolio is considered, with the aim to keep standard deviation up to  6.1% per annum. According to the strategy, the portfolio will be invested within following ranges:

  • 19% – 25% in equities of companies registered in the European Union, the US and Asia
  • 75% – 81% in European Union, the US, and emerging markets’ bonds issued by governments and corporations

Example of costs and charges (PDF)

Balanced strategy

A medium-risk portfolio. When managing the model portfolio, among other things, the long-term return fluctuation (based on 10-Year Standard deviation) of the instruments in the portfolio is considered, with the aim to keep standard deviation up to  15.2% per annum. According to the strategy, the portfolio will be invested within following ranges:

  • 42% – 50% in equities of companies registered in the European Union, the US and Asia
  • 50% – 58% in European Union, the US, and emerging markets’ bonds issued by governments and corporations

Example of costs and charges (PDF)

Growth strategy

A medium-risk portfolio. When managing the model portfolio, among other things, the long-term return fluctuation (based on 10-Year Standard deviation) of the instruments in the portfolio is considered, with the aim to keep standard deviation up to  15.2% per annum. According to the strategy, the portfolio will be invested within following ranges: 

  • 65% – 75% in equities of companies registered in the European Union, the US and Asia
  • 25% – 35% in European Union, the US, and emerging markets’ bonds issued by governments and corporations

Example of costs and charges (PDF)


Maximum Growth strategy

A high-risk portfolio. When managing the model portfolio, among other things, the long-term return fluctuation (based on 10-Year Standard deviation) of the instruments in the portfolio is considered, with the aim to keep standard deviation up to  30.4% per annum. According to the strategy, the portfolio will be investing:

  • 100% in equities of companies registered in the European Union, the US and Asia

Example of costs and charges (PDF)