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Changes in AS SEB Pank price list starting from 1 January 2022

On 1 January 2022, changes in the price list and the terms and conditions of settlement, Current Account, Internet bank for private customer, debit card, credit card, private loan product, SEB Plan, Family Plan and business customer Plan of AS SEB Pank are going to take effect.

Price list changes

The most significant changes in the price list concern, in particular the increase of fees for the operations made in the bank branch, the simplification of loan repayment and changes in the monthly fee for Current Accounts of non-European Economic Area residents. The main change in the price list for business customers concerns the changes e-invoice packages.

We are constantly working to ensure that our banking products and services are as customer-friendly as possible. To ensure this, we will lose the fees for changing the Current Account or the payment date related to home, mortgage and consumer loan agreements, and the fee for applying for a payment holiday for the main part of the loan.

We encourage our customers to use our 24/7 working self-service channels – Internet bank and mobile application – which save both your time and money. From the new year, the fees for concluding a standing order agreement and activating a debit card at a bank branch will increase to five euros, while ordering a card by post at home and concluding a standing order agreement in the Internet bank will continue to be free of charge for customers.

From 1st January 2022, the monthly fee for current accounts of non-European Economic Area residents will increase from five euros to seven euros.

The biggest change in the price list for business customers is the change in the content of non-invoice plans - the Basic plan, which is used for free, limits the number of invoices to five invoices per month. On the other hand, the owners of the Premium plan will have the opportunity for 7 euros per month send up to 30 invoices per month, after which a fee of 0.24 euros + VAT will be added for each additional invoice. 

Private person  Currently valid From 01.01.2022
Current account monthly fee
- resident of another country (except EEA member state) EUR 5  EUR 7 (1)

(1) Monthly fee is also applied to customers with SEB Plans. Fee will be charged in full amount for the month, when the Plan ends.

  Currently valid From 01.01.2022
By mail 
- by mail monthly statement in Estonia EUR 0.4 per page, min. EUR 4 EUR 8
- by mail monthly statement outside Estonia EUR 0.4 per page, min. EUR 10 EUR 11
Ordinary cards Currently valid From 01.01.2022
Mastercard debit card
- activating the card at a bank office or through the customer support (1) EUR 3 EUR 5
- activating the prolonged card at a bank office or through the customer support (1) EUR 3 EUR 5
Mastercard Gold debit card
- activating the card at a bank office or through the customer support (1) EUR 3 EUR 5
- activating the prolonged card at a bank office or through the customer support (1) EUR 3 EUR 5

(1) A card ordered to a bank office always activated by an employee of the bank office when the card is issued.

Standing payment order

  Currently valid From 01.01.2022
Agreement conclusion, amendment at a bank office Free of charge EUR 5
Agreement conclusion, amendment at the Internet Bank Free of charge Free of charge

Forwarding of e-invoices

  Currently valid From 01.01.2022
Migration of standing orders - According to the agreement

SEB Baltic Gateway

  Currently valid From 01.01.2022
Operator channel
Package 1 – account statements (except intraday), POS reports and payment initiation
- sign-up fee Free of charge -
- monthly fee (1) EUR 5 -
Package 2 – account statements, account intraday reports, POS reports, payment initiation and e-invoice forwarding
- sign-up fee EUR 25 -
- monthly fee EUR 25 -
Sign-up fee - Free of charge
Basic services – account statements (except current day intraday), POS reports and payment initiation (1) - EUR 5 per month
Account intraday reports - EUR 10 per month
E-invoice forwarding - EUR 10 per month

(1) Monthly fee is not applied to clients with SEB Plans.

E-invoice portal

  Currently valid From 01.01.2022
Package Basic
- sending an e-invoice to e- invoice portal users and public bodies Free of charge  Up to 5 invoices per month free of charge (2)
- sending an e-invoice to SEB Internet Bank (1) EUR 0.24
Package Premium
- sending an e-invoice to e- invoice portal users and public bodies Free of charge  Up to 30 invoices free of charge, each subsequent invoice 0.24 euros
- sending an e-invoice to the internet application of any credit institution within the possibilities of the e-invoice portal (1) EUR 0.24

(1) VAT as per Value Added Tax Act will be added to the price.
(2) After sending five invoices, the opportunity to join the Premium package.

Private individuals Currently valid From 01.01.2022
1. Home loan, mortgage loan
- agreement conclusion 1% of the loan amount, min. EUR 250 1% of the loan amount, min. EUR 190
- agreement amendment (1) up to 1% of the remaining loan, min. EUR 250 up to 1% of the remaining loan, min. EUR 190
- changing the payment date as of the second change of payment date in one year EUR 20 free of charge
- change of the current account(s) related to the loan EUR 20 free of charge
- extending the loan disbursement period EUR 50 -
- grace period for the principle amount of the loan EUR 50 free of charge
2. Consumer loan
- changing the payment date as of the second change of payment date in one year EUR 20 free of charge
- change of the current account(s) related to the loan EUR 20 free of charge
- period for the principle amount of the loan EUR 20 free of charge

(1) All amendments to the loan, which have not been indicated under separate clauses in the price list (incl. amendment of collateral in a notarised or other form).

  Currently valid From 01.01.2022
Compliance with AML and sanctions Free of charge EUR 25
Securities account (private individuals) Currently valid From 01.01.2022
Opening and closing
Child's special type of account EUR 50 Free of charge
Other services
Processing fee of the child's special type of account EUR 25 Free of charge
Brokerage fee for securities (legal entity) Currently valid From 01.01.2022
Baltic securities
1. Estonian securities up to EUR 2,000,000 0,004%, min. EUR 8 0,004%, min. EUR 2
2. Latvian securities 0,008%, min. EUR 8 0,008%, min. EUR 2
3.Lithuanian securities 0,005%, min. EUR 8 0,005%, min. EUR 2
Northern European equities
1.Norway, Oslo SE 0,008%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,008%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
2.Sweden, Nasdaq Stockholm 0,008%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,008%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
3.Sweden, Spotlight 0,008%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,008%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
4.Finland, Nasdaq Helsinki 0,008%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,008%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
5.Denmark, Nasdaq Copenhagen 0,008%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,008%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
Western European equities
1. Austria, Vienna SE 0,03%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
2. Belgium, Euronext Brussels 0,03%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
3. Ireland, Dublin SE 0,03%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
4. Italy, Milan SE 0,03%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
5. Spain, Madrid SE 0,03%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
6. Netherlands, Euronext Amsterdam 0,03%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
7. Portugal, Euronext Lisbon 0,03%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
8. France, Euronext Paris 0,03%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
9. Germany, Xetra 0,025%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
10. Great Britain, London SE 0,03%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
11. Switzerland, SIX Swiss SE 0,03%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
Eastern European equities
1.Poland, Warsaw SE 0,03%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
2. Czech Republic, Prague SE 0,03%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
3. Hungary, Budapest SE 0,03%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
North- American equities
1. Canada / value of share less than CAD 20 0,015%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
2. Canada / value of share more than CAD 20 0,015%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
3. USA / value of share less than USD 7.5 0,015%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
4. USA / value of share more than USD 7.5 0,015%, min. EUR 4 monthly fee per group of countries 0,01%, min. EUR 2 monthly fee per group of countries
  Currently valid From 01.01.2022
  SEB Investment Management AB U and F class funds registered in Luxembourg SEB Investment Management AB U and F class funds
Fund transactions Administration fee Monthly administration fee (1)
1. Purchase 0,035% 0,035%
2. Sale 0,035% 0,035%
3. Change of fund units 0,035% 0,035%
4. Purchase of fund units with standing payment order of fundsaving 0,035% 0,035%

Fund transactions

Administration fee
Currently valid
SEB Investment Management AB U and F class funds registered in Luxembourg
1. Purchase 0,035%
2. Sale 0,035%
3. Change of fund units 0,035%
4. Purchase of fund units with standing payment order of fundsaving 0,035%
Monthly administration fee (1)
From 01.01.2022
SEB Investment Management AB U and F class funds
1. Purchase 0,035%
2. Sale 0,035%
3. Change of fund units 0,035%
4. Purchase of fund units with standing payment order of fundsaving 0,035%

(1) Monthly administration fee for SEB Short Bond Fund U and F class is 0,01%.

Changes in terms and conditions

The amendment introduced in clause 17 of the Settlement Terms and Conditions specifies the deadline for receipt of an intra-bank payment – as of the new year, SEB will usually execute an intra-bank payment order immediately upon receipt, but no later than on the settlement day following receipt.

Terms of settlement as of 1 January 2022 

The new terms and conditions of the credit card explain in more detail the terms and conditions for blocking the card and terminating the agreement, as well as resolving disputes. The new terms and conditions of the debit card also clarify dispute resolution and specify the terms and wording in the product terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions of credit card agreement as of 1 January 2022
Terms and conditions of international debit card agreement as of 1 January 2022

The possibility to establish an additional monthly fee for higher risk customers has been added to the terms and conditions of the Current Account.

Terms and conditions of current account agreement as of 1 January 2022

The change in the product terms of the personal loan agreement is motivated by the cancellation of the surety agreement – the bank loses the obligation to pay out the loan if the collateral agreement is cancelled.

Private loan product terms and conditions as of 1 January 2022

The wording of The Family and Business customer Plans is updated and the operation of product has been explained in more detail, which does not bring any changes to the customers.

Terms and conditions of SEB Family Plan as of 1 January 2022
Terms and Conditions of the Business Client Plan as of 1 January 2022

Changes were also made to the terms and conditions of the debit card, SEB Plan, Current Account and Internet bank, which will enable to become a customer in the future through the SEB mobile application.

Terms and Conditions of the SEB Plan as of 1 January 2022
Terms and conditions of the Internet Bank for private individuals as of 1 January 2022

The terms and conditions of all, including updated SEB products and services, are available on the  SEB terms and conditions page.