Notice to SEB Global Chance/Risk Fund unitholders
SEB Investment Management informs that SEB FUND 1 – SEB Global Chance/Risk Fund will undergo some changes on 11 October 2021. Sub fund SEB Global Chance/Risk Fund will soon have a climate focused objective and invest solely in companies that contribute to its sustainable investment objective to create a positive climate impact.
Summary of changes:
Name change. SEB Global Chance/Risk Fund will have a new name: SEB Global Climate Opportunity Fund.
Investment objective. SEB Global Climate Opportunity Fund will have a long-term sustainable investment objective with a well-defined climate perspective.
Benchmark. The benchmark is not aligned with the sustainable objective of the sub fund.
Use of derivatives. The redesigned sub fund will not use derivatives extensively but may use derivatives to achieve its investment objective, for hedging and efficient portfolio management. Consequently, “leverage” is no longer listed as a main risk for the sub fund.
Maximum management fee. The maximum management fee for existing unit classes will be reduced from 1.75% to 1.50%
Due to the sub fund’s new investment objective, it may be necessary to rebalance the portfolio. This could lead to transaction costs for the sub fund.
Unitholders are not required to act due to these changes. However, if unitholders do not wish to continue investing in the sub-fund in its new form, they may redeem their units without being charged a redemption fee until 8 October 2021 14.00.
Detailed information is available and upon request at the registered office of the Management Company.